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文章来源:发布日期:2023-07-31 16:09:00字号:T|T


橿原市位于日本中部关西地区大和盆地的东南端奈良县境内,风光秀丽,景色优美。洛阳与橿原两市之间有着深厚的历史文化渊源。公元694年,持统天皇在橿原模仿中国古都——汉魏洛阳城建立了日本第一座都城——藤原京,距今已有1300多年的历史。当时的藤原京道路平直,宛若棋盘。后经考古发掘,找到了当时的许多遗迹, 橿原人通过植树等措施,对遗迹进行了保护。隋唐时期,日本派往我国的使臣和留学生、学问僧、技师、工匠等大都从橿原出发,辗转到当时中国的政治、文化中心洛阳,他们把中国文化又带回到日本。1985年,在我市周公庙建立了日本遣隋遣唐使纪念碑,成为两国人民悠久友好交往历史的见证。


Kashihara, Japan (February, 2006)

Kashihara City is located in Nara Prefecture, the southeastern area of the Yamato Basin in the Kansai region of central Japan, with very beautiful scenery. The Cultural exchange between Luoyang and Kashihara has a profound history. In 694 AD, Emperor Jito established Japan's first capital, Fujiwarakyo, in Kashihara, imitating the ancient Chinese capital Luoyang City of the Han and Wei Dynasties. The Fujiwarakyo has a history of more than 1,300 years. At that time, the road in Fujiwarakyo was straight and crisscrossing, like a chessboard. After archaeological excavations, many relics of the ancient capital were found and now protected by planting trees and other restoration measures. During the Sui and Tang dynasties, many Japanese envoys, students, scholarly monks, technicians, and craftsmen were sent to China. Most of them started their journey from Kashihara and then they went to Luoyang, the political and cultural center of China at that time. And they brought Chinese culture back to Japan.

In 1985, the Monument to Japan's Envoys to Sui and Tang Dynasties was established in Zhougong Temple of Luoyang, which has become a testimony to the long history of friendly exchanges between the two peoples. In February 2006, Luoyang and Kashihara established a link as friendly exchange cities.
